KAHRMA Employee Retention Seminar 2018
Join the Kankakee Area Human Resource Managers Association on October 30, 2018, for Work Institute presentation “How to Keep Your Best Employees.” Presenter is Danny Nelms, president at Work Institute and co-author of The Why Factor: Winning With Workforce Intelligence. Nelms is an agent of change and an expert in helping companies forge new directions to optimize human capital and improve results. Nelms’ 25 years of experience have given him the ability to influence corporate culture and human capita initiatives in areas including organizational improvement & effectiveness, leadership development, employee engagement & retention, executive coaching, succession planning and M&A.
Cost: $35 for KAHRMA members, $55 for non-members (includes breakfast and lunch). Group discounts are available by calling Lori at 815-549-4653. REGISTER by October 23 at kahrma.shrm.org
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