Friday, October 6, 2023
Visit Kankakee Announces Round 2 C-TAP Grants

The Visit Kankakee County Board of Directors announces new recipients of the Community Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP) Grants.
The Economic Alliance works diligently to report in a timely manner on things like local business expansion, new business development, new and enhanced development incentives, economic news and other items of interest to our community investors and investor prospects.
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Friday, October 6, 2023
The Visit Kankakee County Board of Directors announces new recipients of the Community Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP) Grants.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Kankakee Community College is one of 28 small community colleges across the nation with a gold ranking in the 2023 Guide to Military Friendly® Schools, published in conjunction with “G.I. Jobs” magazine. Typically, KCC has about 60 veterans who enroll each year, according to the college’s Office of Financial Aid. Among veterans, there are 35 KCC student veterans currently utilizing VA Education benefits.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Nicor Gas has embarked on a campaign to promote doing business in Illinois. Kankakee County was selected as an initial focus community. Tim Nugent, President / CEO of the Economic Alliance of Kankakee County and Ladonna Russell, Executive Director of the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board are featured here.
Friday, December 17, 2021
In fiscal year 2020, AMITA Health provided $336 million in community benefit including care of people living in poverty.