Labor Shed Analysis RFP Issued
The Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board is soliciting proposals from organizations interested in
providing professional services to conduct a Labor Shed Analysis for Grundy, Livingston, and Kankakee Counties, which comprise Local Workforce Area #11 under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

The Workforce Board anticipates awarding the contract at its December 20, 2016, meeting. Applicants must be prepared to deploy services immediately following the award of a contract/grant with final product to be presented at the March 21, 2017, Workforce Board meeting.
Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, October 20, 2016 to the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board, 200 E. Court Street, Suite 506, Kankakee, IL 60901. No proposal will be accepted after the deadline date.
Click to access the RFP.